Sunday, May 10, 2015

Something On My Mind

I want to start this off with a prayer.

Dear Lord, Help me with this blog. Let it be of value to those who read it. Help me share your Word and your love. I have no idea what I am doing. You are, as always-in control. Jesus, take the keyboard. Amen.

I mentioned that I had no idea what I was doing here but, I will say however that I do have a goal. I want to write a book. I've never done that before, either. What I have done for as long as I can remember (over 45 years, at least) is talk to God. No matter how things were going in my life I knew He was there; Father, Son and Holy Spirit all rolled into one and separate individuals, too. While I may not have truly understood the full theological meaning of a triune individual Creator, I was a Believer and had accepted Jesus as Lord of my life and savior of my soul at the tender age of six. It would be another six before I felt the call of obedience to baptism. 

I have survived my life on planet earth because I belong to Jesus and have been reconciled to my heavenly Father, helped, supported and fortified by the Holy Spirit. Period. My parents and grandparents were and are awesome. I have some great friends, one best friend most of my life from childhood. I have a super-human sister who made me Godmother to her two great kids, as well as aunt. I am also blessed with a terrific husband who is also my best pal and has been for over 17 years. But, my life hasn't been easy. In fact, it's been an emotional and medical roller coaster. It's been feast or famine; not just in tangible ways either. Yet, I have lived to tell the tale all because I put my faith in God because He gave me hope. Needless to say, I've learned a few things along the journey. I want to share those things. I want to give God the glory not just for the lessons but, more importantly for the victories I've gained because of my trials. No matter what the world threw at me, I never gave up because the Lord was on my side. Scripture tells us in Romans chapter 8 verse 31 "If God is for us, who can be against us?"


Like any relationship we have, we must give it our attention to make it work. We wouldn't have a friend and never speak to her and expect to remain close. Neither would we only contact her to ask for help, then remain silent until our next emergency. Therefore, we mustn't treat God that way either. We must maintain our relationship with Him, too. A daily walk, after all isn't that what being a Christian is all about-being a devotee of the Christ? How can we know Him if we don't built a relationship with Him: talk to Him (pray) and study/read His Word and listen for His voice? Prayer is just our conversation with God. Of course, there are different types of prayer and deeper levels quiet time with fasting and even sometimes spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues but, right now I'm just talking about 'talking' to God. If you want to build your prayer life and grow your time with God. Just start talking to Him. Silently, aloud, driving to work/school/errands, whenever-just do it. You don't always have to be on your knees, head bowed with eyes closed. There are times for that, yes. Right now I want you to just stop giving Him the silent treatment, okay? He's listening.


  1. Congrats on your blog ! I know you have a knack for making people think about both the small stuff AND the big stuff ! God bless your journalistic journey !

  2. That last comment was from me.....Becky ; )

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Cat, I know your life has been a journey of ups and downs. I am so proud of your taking this step of sharing your heart and God's workings in your life! This is a great start and I truly look forward to reading more. HUGS!!!

    1. Thank you so much more the words of encouragement, Jenni.

    2. correction: Thank you so much for the words of encouragement, Jenni.
