Sunday, May 17, 2015


Dear Readers,

I feel I must apologize for my ineffective proof reading and therefore, inaccurate editing of my first post. As I stated, I'm new to this and in my zeal to publish my first post I failed to catch all my mistakes. Thank you for your graciousness in not mentioning my errors but applauding my effort.

I may have been a bit abrupt in my directive. Perhaps me telling you, another grown person to stop doing or start doing something is a bit bossy. It was me being a tad too familiar with my 'snap out of it' advice.

Let's Change Lanes

Perhaps you haven't been giving God the silent treatment. Perhaps you're not used to just chatting with Almighty God. The whole concept of just carrying on a regular chat with the Creator of the Universe seems a little like bothering Him. Perhaps you come from a background where you only pray to God in a serious, formal way. That's fine. He is worthy of our respect and worship. Those are important components of prayer.

Jesus himself when asked by His followers to teach them how to pray as recorded in Matthew chapter 6, verse 9 began with, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name." Hallowed means holy, sacred, blessed, revered, honored, worshiped and divine. Father means the creator, founder, author, originator of and one who establishes. He exercises paternal care over and assumes responsibility, protects and provides.
Now, I don't know about you but, this kinda sounds like a Dad to me. God is our 'dad' He's Abba, daddy.
Think of going to a daddy and talking to him, talking about your school/work day, sports practice or the person you're dating. Now turn that up a notch. Consider going to Abba, God and just telling Him about your day and what's on your mind about a work dilemma or a decision you and your spouse are trying to make together. Somehow it doesn't seem so daunting.
More and more often I hear people say that their cars in traffic have become their prayer closets. If you live in a congested traffic area and you commute at least a half hour with windows up and temperature control on, you have an ideal isolated quiet space; music off and eyes open, naturally. Besides, you are far less likely to yell at the guy who cuts you off and shake your fist at him if you are filled with the Holy Spirit. Can I get a witness? You might just find yourself saying a prayer for the poor guy to keep him safe from his own reckless driving instead of being irritated with him.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Something On My Mind

I want to start this off with a prayer.

Dear Lord, Help me with this blog. Let it be of value to those who read it. Help me share your Word and your love. I have no idea what I am doing. You are, as always-in control. Jesus, take the keyboard. Amen.

I mentioned that I had no idea what I was doing here but, I will say however that I do have a goal. I want to write a book. I've never done that before, either. What I have done for as long as I can remember (over 45 years, at least) is talk to God. No matter how things were going in my life I knew He was there; Father, Son and Holy Spirit all rolled into one and separate individuals, too. While I may not have truly understood the full theological meaning of a triune individual Creator, I was a Believer and had accepted Jesus as Lord of my life and savior of my soul at the tender age of six. It would be another six before I felt the call of obedience to baptism. 

I have survived my life on planet earth because I belong to Jesus and have been reconciled to my heavenly Father, helped, supported and fortified by the Holy Spirit. Period. My parents and grandparents were and are awesome. I have some great friends, one best friend most of my life from childhood. I have a super-human sister who made me Godmother to her two great kids, as well as aunt. I am also blessed with a terrific husband who is also my best pal and has been for over 17 years. But, my life hasn't been easy. In fact, it's been an emotional and medical roller coaster. It's been feast or famine; not just in tangible ways either. Yet, I have lived to tell the tale all because I put my faith in God because He gave me hope. Needless to say, I've learned a few things along the journey. I want to share those things. I want to give God the glory not just for the lessons but, more importantly for the victories I've gained because of my trials. No matter what the world threw at me, I never gave up because the Lord was on my side. Scripture tells us in Romans chapter 8 verse 31 "If God is for us, who can be against us?"